Whimsy & Wisdom: Review of Verdi Book Title: Verdi by Janell Cannon Genre/Category: Bluebonnet book, Children's Picture Book, Fiction Target Age Group: 4-8 years Plot Summary: Verdi by Janell Cannon tells the story of a young python named Verdi who is proud of his bright yellow skin and is determined not to turn green like the older, more sluggish pythons. As he grows, Verdi's adventures and encounters teach him important lessons about change, growth, and accepting oneself. Through engaging narrative and captivating illustrations, Cannon portrays Verdi’s journey with humor and heart. Justification for Title Selection: I chose Verdi because it is a Bluebonnet book, a prestigious recognition that highlights outstanding children's literature. This accolade underscores the book's appeal and educational value for young readers. Verdi offers a compelling story that encourages children to embrace change and self-acceptance, making it a valuable addition to Whi...
Whimsy & Wisdom: Review of Islandborn Book Title: Islandborn by Junot DÃaz Genre/Category: Pura Belpre Winner, Children's Picture Book, Fiction Target Age Group: 5-8 years Plot Summary: Islandborn by Junot DÃaz is a beautifully illustrated picture book that tells the story of Lola, a young girl who embarks on a journey to discover her cultural roots. When her teacher assigns a project asking the students to draw a picture of where their families come from, Lola realizes she doesn't remember the island where she was born. With the help of her family and neighbors, Lola pieces together memories and stories, creating a vivid and imaginative picture of her homeland. Justification for Title Selection: I chose Islandborn because it is a Pura Belpré Author Honor book, an award that recognizes outstanding Latino authors and illustrators who celebrate Latino culture in their work. This accolade underscores the book's cultural significance and its potential to resonate w...